Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I Trust Your Process

Though I may struggle with the notion of the possibility
that you could participate in an act of utter betrayal,
I decide to keep my heart open anyway.

I choose to believe in the idea that any such act of betrayal is simply
something you would never do.
Though sometimes, I can hear your thoughts and I wonder
how you go about questioning yourself.

This is your personal process
that I do not interrupt, it is a phase you are going through.
I ultimately trust in the idea that you are changing for yourself.
I trust in the idea that I truly do know you.

To Honor Love

Only from a distance, curiosity be admired
Out of reach, the forbidden fruit is desired
Seeking the love within truth as a flame
Bright in its freedom has yet to claim
To greet the path once chosen is beset
Finding comfort in the union of no regret

Steady, the breath gives life its torch each day
For the harshness of the wind can blow this wild fire away
The stand for devotion weds the commitment as true
But the wandering eye proves unfaithful, admittedly too soon
Ancient laws of love provide the everlasting warm glow

Where love is consistent and reliable,
Allowing the embers to burn slow
The youthfulness of love lights those flames
That burn against the wind, undyingly
The heart stays open, so eager to learn and to grow

A Love Lost

My love is worth more than the lack of effort you bring Once you've lost my love you will feel more than a sting You'll realize that...