Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Taming The Minotaur (Dream)

      I lay in the damp grass under a bright blue sky, white fluffy clouds hang there. I am warmed by the sun.
I close my eyes and fantasize about far away places that I've never been.
A sensation runs through me as I feel the pull of rising through the air.
I open my eyes and look out to see, that I am in fact floating, up towards the heavens.
Through the clouds, through the stars and beyond. I feel the chill yet not it's suffocation.
      Spellbinding beauty within the space above the Earth as I look down to catch its glow.
Where am I off to now? How curious I find the blackness, and the cold surrounding the ever twinkling stars of thousands of years ago. They must be warm, yet they do not warm the space around and between them. Excitement fills me to my bones as I fly, fly, fly though space.
      In the distance, through the black of dark behind he stars, I squint to see this place I am going, or rather being taken. It resembles something like a chunk of some star or planet that exploded only to leave behind a small triangular shape of rock and dirt to remember it by. I land at the edge of its surface, it's much larger than it had appeared, yet there's not enough room for me to explore it. There is only one way to go, down through a narrow passage.
        Scatters of bones and splatters of blood line the walls of this passage as darkness grows around me until I cannot see my out-stretched hand. I smell the death. I hear a faint sigh as the passage opens to a cavern, colder and colder as I walk toward it. I feel a wave of terror creep over my skin, as I listen to and catch the menacing scent of the heavy, hot breath of some unknown creature moving slowly in my direction. I cannot move, I freeze. It makes no difference whether or not I close my eyes for it is too dark to see.
      My eyes struggle, but I notice a flickering little light. I guess that this creature must be carrying a flame? Emerging from the dark, one hoof then two. What is this thing? Why have I been brought here? Slowly my eyes begin to focus and I cannot help but to look up. I am in awe, shock, fear and bewilderment as the being stood before me. Half man, half beast. He carries on his broad furry shoulders, the head of a bull with long, curved, pointed horns. His huge chest and large muscular arms are that of a man. His belly and waist are also that resembling a human man. His upper thighs, thick and strong, taper into the calves of a beast with hooves. All covered in a mass of black fur.
      I tremble and fall to my knees, he is enormous. More then ten feet, this beast hovers over me, breathing, panting, snorting, I faint. I wake to the nuzzle of warm, wet nostrils huffing harder on my face. He utters the words through his massive teeth, "I want to eat you, I want to devour you." Oh my Gods and Goddesses, please don't let him eat me! How can I convince this hungry beast that I should not be eaten? I imagine how lonely he must be, that his only visitors are not guests, but meals to be consumed.
      I offer myself, my body, to him in a another way. "Why not take my flesh to curb your emptiness as a delightful exchange instead of tearing me to bits with your teeth?" I suggest. Intrigued at the proposition, he leans in to discover what I have in mind. I reach out and stroke his dripping snout, run my tiny fingers along the sides of his face up to his head, gliding my hands across his large horns that I cannot reach the end of. I feel the fur across his muscular abdomen, slowly as to not startle him. I caress him gently. I rub his groin and feel a hardening beneath his fur. He breaths heavier, faster as he grabs me up roughly. His head and face are bigger than my entire body, then I reconsider, "What have I gotten myself into?" I suppose it is better than a gruesome death of being chewed on.
       His manhood grows ever larger, protruding out from the furry patch no longer hiding it. It is too massive for any natural being to take, but I realize I am dealing with other worldly forces, magic, where anything is possible. I make an attempt to calm him with soft whispers in his ear of, "Be gentle, be careful, you don't want to tear me apart in this way either." I kiss his cheek reassuring him as I stroke him below. He understands, he reduces his size with just the power of his mind. I am relieved, and I take him into me. His eyes flash with a pleasure I'm certain he has never known, I am stunned that I am finding pleasure with him as well.
      He finishes, and falls asleep. I make my way back through the dark cavern into the opening of the narrow passage, and onto the edge, I hear a faint, "Thank you." I close my eyes and wait for the push to float me home.

1 comment:

A Love Lost

My love is worth more than the lack of effort you bring Once you've lost my love you will feel more than a sting You'll realize that...